Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Originally uploaded by woodsrun.
I took yesterday (Tuesday) off. I had to come to work first, though because we had a substitute van driver and he picked up a box of books at one of our library's during the delivery and discovered COCKROACHES in it. Did he take it back inside and say we couldn't accept it? No, he was too stoopid--he put it in the van, where there were about 10 other boxes and 15 canvas bags full of books from other libraries. Anyway, I had to deal with telling 30 libraries that their books might be infested with cockroaches, and trying to kill off any that might have been in the box that came back. So that killed part of my day off.

I stopped at my nursery, though, and bought my pansies. This year I bought Whiskers Red and Gold. They look as if there's a butterfly in the center, and when there's a mass planting of them it's really pretty. I planted them yesterday and they don't look too pretty yet, but just you wait, once they fill out and are all blooming it's going to be extra special.


  1. Cockroaches....erg. {{{shudder}}}

  2. what she said, about the roaches, seen too many in my lifetime to really want to see any more ever again. Here they come out of the sewers at night, one of the signs of summer. Some of them can fly...

    Thanks for flower pics. How lovely. And thanks for Guindon stroll down memory lane. I wonder if your "other readers" could possibly have known what we were saying about the seedlings. Now they can.

    Sorry about the black flies, almost as bad as cockroaches. That, too cold winter, and mud season make me think the North Country is not my favorite retirement location. Couple of summer months in the boathouse, yes, sometime before I get too old to do it. Who knows when?
