Thursday, May 03, 2007

May rocks

May rocks
Originally uploaded by woodsrun.
The obligatory "rocks underwater" shot. This was taken on this morning's walk. I walked past our camp, down the road we used to drive in on. This is about the only time you can walk that road because the grass gets really tall it gets really hard to even find the road. Why we don't use the road is a long story that involves the neighborhood bully and a legal battle. People in the neighborhood use the road as a nice walking path, though, so there's sort of a deer path worn in it.

The dogs and I found a dead porcupine lying in the road. Tess was smart enough not to stick her nose in the quills (or else obedient enough to listen to me when I screeched at her not to). Dogs can get quills from dead porkies stuck in their snouts. I wonder if the porcupine died of natural causes or was killed by a fisher. I think a fisher is about the only thing in my neighborhood that can kill a porcupine. I'm afraid of fishers, they are very mean.

I also discovered where Tess' deer carcass is--thanks to Chances. She came out of the woods proudly carrying a leg. Tess promptly took it away from her ("That's MY leg!") and carried it home. Another leg to toss from the car. At least she didn't insist on dropping it in front of the door. It's in the woods next to the driveway, though, so I'll have to wait until it surfaces out in the open to grab it.

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