Monday, May 07, 2007


Originally uploaded by woodsrun.
This is Route 374, also called The Cadyville Expressway. The first big part of my trip to work is the Silver Lake Road, which I call the Clayburg Road, because that's what it used to be called, and it goes to Clayburg. Soon no one will remember that's what it used to be called and I'll have to call it by it's real name, the Silver Lake Road. Anyway, then I turn onto Route 3, which has no other name. Long drive on Route 3, which goes through a few small towns that have no town attached to them, they're just settlements, sometimes with a convenience store or a gas station. Then Route 3 splits and continues on to Plattsburg, and you can take Route 374, which is also called The Cadyville Expressway (although, like the Clayburg Road, fewer people now call it that). It was built in the late 60's as a faster, more direct way to get to P'bg. I remember when it was brand new and we drove on it to get to Expo 67 in Montreal. It differs from Route 3 pretty much only in that people drive 60-65 on it and people sometimes go 45 on Route 3, presumably so they can look at the houses as they drive along. There are no houses on Route 374, just woods.

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